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For the Term of his Natural Life

for the termFor the Term of his Natural Life (Charles MacMahon, 1908) prod. Charles MacMahon, E. J. Carroll, Messrs Gunn Osborne & Jerdan; from the novel by Marcus Clarke, dp Byers Coates; Martyn Keith, Rosie Knight Phillips, Mrs Barry Lane; 2000ft; prison at Port Arthur, Tasmania

This collection of highlights from Marcus Clarke's complex novel of the convict days was the first of several adaptations for the screen. It was based on a popular stage version, and according to the Bulletin, 13 August 1908, the story had been 'severely edited, but the boiling-down was evidently done by a man who knew his business, for the continuity of the yarn is quite unbroken'. Pike & Cooper: 8-9

None of the film has survived. Image from a 1909 poster >

Other films with the same title or subject

Life Of Rufus Dawes, The (Alfred Rolfe, 1911) aka The Convict Hero, Spencer's Pictures, wr. Alfred Rolfe from the novel For The Term Of His Natural Life by Marcus Clarke, dp Ernest Higgins; Alfred Rolfe, Lily Dampier [Rolfe's wife], Raymond Longford; 4000 ft

His Convict Bride (John Gavin, 1918) aka For the Term of Her Natural Life (initial working title), Australian Famous Feature Company, wr. Agnes Gavin, dp Lacey Percival, titles Syd Nicholls; Ethel Bashford, John Gavin, Charles Villiers, Frank Hawthorne

For the Term of his Natural Life (Norman Dawn, 1927) from the novel by Marcus Clarke; George Fisher (Rufus Dawes), Eva Novak, Dunstan Webb, Jessica Harcourt, Arthur McLaglen, Marion Marcus Clarke; prison saga

Also: TV mini-series, 1983, Tony Perkins

Garry Gillard | New: 27 December, 2012 | Now: 20 November, 2020